Columbus, OH
Columbus Southerly Waste Water Treatment Plant
Premiere has been supplying admixtures on four phases (S71, S72, S73, & S76) of the expansion of the Southerly Wastewater Treatment Plant, which is the larger of the City of Columbus, Ohio’s two plants. Central Ready Mix of Ohio has supplied over 35,000 cubic yards of HPC (High Performance Concrete) to the project.
Kokosing Construction Co. was awarded phases S72, S73, & S74 of the project. The $52.6-million Secondary Clarifier Additions (S72), is scheduled for completion in February 2011, it consists of eleven 200-foot diameter clarifiers and a new return-activated sludge-control facility. The project includes more than 25,000 cubic yards of concrete and 3,000 linear feet of underground and exposed process pipe. This work will increase the plant’s secondary clarification capacity from 255-million to 377-million gallons per day.
The $16.4-million Headworks Part 2 (S73) project, scheduled for completion by April 2010, consists of 22-foot-diameter grit tanks and four Grit Classifiers. Additions to the plant’s Headworks area will increase the facility’s capacity from 230-million to 330-million gallons per day.
S71 phase constructed by C.J. Mahan Construction Co.consists of a new Raw Sewage Pump Building with four mechanically cleaned bar racks, four 48″ raw sewage pumps with variable frequency drive units and motors, sluice gates, and four 48″ diameter magnetic flow meters.
Premiere Concrete Admixtures Assisted Central Ready Mix of Ohio in the design of the concrete. The engineers Malcolm Pirnie Inc. called for a limit of fine aggregate to be no more than 41% of the total. Shrinkage requirements were a maximum of .039% at 21 days and a maximum of .045% at 28 days. The mix was designed with Type II cement at a water cement ratio of .40 and had a required strength of 4500 psi at 28 days. The air specification was 6% ± 1%. A placement slump of 6″-7″ was achieved through the use of Premiere Concrete Admixtures UltraFlo® DP. Every load of concrete delivered to the job was tested for slump and every other was tested for air & slump.
“Premiere Concrete Admixtures, has been invaluable in helping Central R/M develop mixes for the City of Columbus WWTP projects. The concrete for these projects has very rigid shrinkage tolerances in the specification. Premiere Concrete Admixtures’ (PCA) products and technical support has enabled us to deliver thousands of yards in spec. Having nearly 30 years of experience in the ready-mix industry I can attest that PCA has the products and support team that ready mix suppliers require in today’s challenging economy.”
– Rob Cherry, President Central Ready Mix of Ohio